Clean your sink, taps and shower head extra thoroughly

If you have a corona patient at home, proper cleaning can help prevent the virus from spreading to other family members. How do you tackle the corona virus with bucket and soap? Two experts provide advice.

Process first moment that your house is infested

As a family you must handle that your house is infested, '' said Marja Middle Village, cleaning expert and television presenter. “Don't clean everything straight away like a headless chicken, but sit around the table together, at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other, of course, and make a plan of action. Think of it as a new project; how do we make our home safe again? Try to do the cleaning together as much as possible. ''

Follow the three basic rules

Whoever wants to clean properly must first of all adhere to three basic rules. Always clean from clean to dirty, so you don't transfer virus and other debris to clean stuff. The things you use to clean also become less dirty.

Work from top to bottom: first clean the top of the cabinets and then the floor, so that dirt doesn't fall into a place you just cleaned. And finally: first clean dry and then wet. Vacuum first, then mop.

The soap in all-purpose cleaner ensures that the virus is released from the surface, so you can remove it

Focus on the hand contact points

Because the coronavirus can survive on surfaces, there is a risk of infecting yourself if you touch a surface with your hands and then your face. It is therefore important to thoroughly clean the hand contact points every day, says Alvin Bartels. He is infection prevention policy advisor at the National Center for Hygiene and Safety. “These are the points you often touch with your hands, such as door handles (especially for the toilet), light switches, handles, tables, food preparation areas and bedside tables. Floors and walls are less important because you generally don't touch them with your hands. ''

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When cleaning the hand contact points, you remove the virus, which reduces the chance of it getting on your hands. It's best to use a regular cleaning agent such as all-purpose cleaner or cleaning cloths, Bartels says. "The soap in it causes the virus to detach from the surface, so you can remove it."

Don't forget portable equipment.

Do n't forget to clean your cell phone, computer and TV remote control, says Middeldorp. “They can be a source of germs. Take them off regularly. I myself do it with a cotton ball with a little white spirit. You use the cotton ball to remove the virus. And moisture can cause damage, but oil, the base of turpentine, cannot."

Give everyone their own toilet bag.

A corona carrier must keep themselves separate from the other housemates as much as possible. The infected housemate therefore prefers to stay in a separate room and uses his own cutlery, plates and glasses. If possible, it also has its own bathroom and toilet.

If you have one toilet and bathroom, you should definitely clean it every day. Make sure that each family member has their own toiletry bag with a toothbrush, drinking cup and other toiletries and always let him or her take this to their own room, Middeldorp advises. "Don't hang your mouth on the tap for a sip of water after brushing your teeth."

Pay extra attention to metal surfaces, as the virus lives longer on them than on other surfaces. "Make the sink, taps and shower head extra clean."

Wash the patient's

clothes separately. Keep all clothes from the corona carrier separate from the rest, the RIVM recommends. Put the clothes in a separate laundry basket and wash them separately at the temperature indicated in the clothes on a full wash cycle. Put all (bath) towels and tea towels in the wash every day. Use enough detergent so that the virus soaks well. And don't forget to wash your hands after putting the laundry in the machine.

Put wet wipes in the wash immediately.

Finished cleaning? Do not forget to clean your cleaning equipment well to remove any virus residues. Dispose of cleaning wipes from a pack, or cleaning wipes, immediately. Put mops and microfiber cloths in the wash immediately. Rinse buckets well, wash the mop at 60 degrees and let everything dry thoroughly afterwards. Wash your hands well with soap and water after cleaning.

Open everything for 15 minutes

Changing the air daily helps to prevent the spread of the corona virus. "Ventilate throughout the day," advises Bartels of the National Center for Hygiene and Safety. Leave the window ajar or use the mechanical ventilation system if available.

Air at least once a day. Open the door for ten to fifteen minutes: open the windows and doors against each other so that you can quickly refresh the air in the room. "Make sure that the air does not flow from the patient to someone else to prevent contamination."

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