Deep cleaning kitchen service in abu dhabi

One of the places within your company where hygiene is an absolute priority is the kitchen. Are you looking for 

a professional cleaning company that ensures that the kitchen is deeply cleaned?

Prefer no germs or vermin in the kitchen

Do you also want your kitchen appliances to be spotlessly clean? Are you annoyed that you are unable to properly 

clean everything in your company kitchen or canteen ? Do you think the canteen needs a major cleaning? Do you 

notice that the kitchen appliances work less well? Do you lack expertise and time to deeply and thoroughly clean

 the kitchen? Do you want to avoid vermin or germs in your kitchen or canteen? Do you find it important to comply 

with the HACCP for the hospitality industry?

Get more deep cleaning services abu dhabi

Advantages of deep cleaning of the kitchen

With their many years of experience in the deep cleaning of kitchens, the professionals of Gezellig Werkt Cleaning 

can ensure that the kitchen in your company is as new again. With their own equipment, they ensure that the kitchen 

appliances, walls and floors are shiny clean. All dirt in hard-to-reach places is removed, such as drainage installations 

and extraction systems. The places where you do not expect any dirt at all are hygienically cleaned. Consider, for 

example, sockets or skirting boards. Because daily cleaning is nowhere near enough to ward off bacteria and fungi , 

deep cleaning of a (large) kitchen is really necessary. A spotlessly clean company kitchen or canteen has many 


  • Less chance of pathogenic fungi and bacteria
  • Significant improvement of (fire) safety
  • Lower energy costs
  • Longer life of devices
  • Preventing pests
  • Healthier working environment
  • Supplement to mandatory HACCP plan

Deep cleaning important role in HACCP

Cozy Works Cleaning works as efficiently and sustainably as possible, taking into account the 
industry and your personal wishes. The periodic thorough cleaning of kitchens in the hospitality 
industry is necessary to meet the legal requirements HACCP. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical 
Control Points) is a mandatory management plan in the hospitality industry to minimize the risk of 
contamination. Deep cleaning of the company kitchen plays an enormously important role in this. 
By disassembling, cleaning and disinfecting everything in your kitchen, the workspace is well taken
 care of. Only after all fixed parts such as walls and floors have been thoroughly cleaned and, if 
necessary, re-sealed, loose parts and equipment are professionally assembled again.

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