Tips for the big clean-up

Tips for the big clean-up: 'Biggest mistake is mopping with warm water'

A clean house is important for physical and mental health. Still, according to experts, there are still many things we do wrong when cleaning the house.

"The most common mistake when cleaning is mopping with hot water," said Anoesjka Imambaks, owner of Maid at Home housekeeping service. "When the water is warm, it evaporates faster and soap residues from the cleaning agent remain on the floor. These residues cause streaks and the floor to stick. It is better to use cold water with a little bit of cleaner in it."

According to Diet Groothuis, author of  The Big Cleaning Book , things often go wrong with the means that people use while cleaning. "People think they need chlorine, bleach and other means to get something clean. Chlorine does disinfect a toilet, but it does not clean or descale it either. A solution with soda does clean and degrease and a dash of white vinegar descales the surface. . "

Moreover, according to Groothuis, the remedies from grandmother's time are also a lot cheaper and more environmentally friendly than the ready-to-use products that are for sale in the store. "The green soap, vinegar and soda are at the bottom of the supermarket shelf, but they are often the cheapest. Also, these products do not contain microplastics that pollute the environment."

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Make it yourself

Groothuis sees that nowadays it is the home-made products that are gaining in popularity. "More and more vloggers are making their own cleaning sprays and other household products that are green and more environmentally friendly."

A simple homemade tip is to fill a plant sprayer with water and a little all-purpose cleaner, so you don't have to buy an expensive spray. "You can also replace the toilet blocks, because they are often chemical and do not clean. To dissipate the smell of the big message, you can light a match or, for example, spray a little essential oil", says Groothuis.

An abrasive is easy to make by mixing soda and washing-up liquid into a paste and you can also use a drop of washing-up liquid to wash the windows. "Adding a drop of washing-up liquid to the water will make the windows radiantly clean. If you then wipe the window dry with old newspaper or a special glass cloth, the windows will dry up streak-free," explains Imambaks.

Cleaning cloth

Yet Imambaks states that water alone can also clean a lot. "Certainly when you use the right cleaning cloths, few cleaning agents are needed. The best example of this is a microfibre cloth." The fibers of microfibre cloths have a kind of hooks on which dirt and dust adhere.

According to Imambaks, it is best to first dust with a dry cloth before wiping a surface with a wet cloth. "When you first go over the dust with a wet cloth, a dust paste is formed and the fibers of the microfibre cloths become clogged. Moreover, you can use the cloth in eight women, so that you can use a clean piece of the cloth for each surface that you clean. "

It is also hygienic to use a different color cloth for each task. Do not use a duster in the kitchen and throw a cloth that has been used for the toilet in the wash immediately, Imambaks emphasizes. "Wash cloths separately from the other wash at 60 degrees and do not use fabric softener. Finally, she emphasizes that the rim of the toilet bowl where the seat is attached should not forget."


Yet it is not easy for everyone to get the house clean and in order. According to cleaning coach Lammy Wolfslag of Mijn Opruimcoach, the large cleaning no longer fits into our current lifestyle, because we no longer have a few days in a row to tidy up.

Where in the 1950s women still spent hours at the house, they now often have a job. "Things often go wrong for people with a busy job, a rich social life and children. People have less and less time and the house is often the victim."

Especially for these people, the big spring cleaning can be difficult because it takes a long time. This can be demotivating. "That's why I recommend doing a little bit every day. Doing a little bit every day also makes tidying up a routine. If you set an alarm clock every day at a time that suits you to tidy up for ten minutes, you will see that the house stays in order. "

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A common mistake during cleanup is delaying decisions. "A recognizable example is that people receive a letter, but do not decide what to do with it. Should they keep it, pay for something or do they have nothing to do with it? This decision is often not made and then such an envelope ends up. a stack. "

According to Wolfslag, rubbish attracts more and more rubbish. "I also call such a stack a magnetic spot. More and more things are placed in such a place. From envelopes to notes, receipts, hair elastics and paperclips. When you have such a magnetic spot, you have to ask yourself why you have a stack. For example, do you not have a tray for rubber bands or is there no bag for empty batteries? "

Children's drawings can also create a messy feeling. "I recommend hanging up a clothesline that can hold, for example, five drawings. When a child comes home with a new drawing, it can be discussed whether it is beautiful enough for the exhibition on the clothesline. If that is the case, you can then discuss with your child which drawing will go off the clothesline. Is it beautiful enough to keep or can it be thrown away. "


When you want to clean up, according to the cleanup coach, it is important to decide in advance how much time you have and whether the goal is achievable. "For example, start with a place where you stay the most or where you wake up. When your bedroom is a mess, you also wake up restlessly. You can also start in a place that gives you a positive feeling. A bedroom is easier. to tidy up than old photo books with an emotional charge. "

According to Wolfslag, it is best to go clockwise through space instead of walking back and forth. Tidying up can also be structured by working with four boxes. One box is for things you want to keep in the room you are cleaning up, in the other you put the things that have to go to another room in the house.

The third box is for things that can be thrown away and the last box is for things that can be given away. Giving away is literally giving things to friends, neighbors or relatives. But this category also includes stuff that you can still sell or that can go to the thrift store.

Wolfslag emphasizes that tidying up is not yet finished when the kitchen drawer or wardrobe is actually divided over the four boxes. "The process is only completed when all items have been given their own or new place and are no longer in the box."

Inner cleaning

According to Jan Derksen, professor of clinical psychology and psychotherapy at Radboud University in Nijmegen, tidying up and cleaning has a positive effect on people. "As long as they clean voluntarily and consciously choose to tidy the house, it can make people feel good in a clean house."

Still, Derksen emphasizes that cleaning and cleaning should not be done excessively. "Some people go into obsessive cleaning in the spring. They want to clean up everything in the house because they experience too many stimuli in the house. Often this is a reflection of a person's mental health." According to Derksen, it would therefore be good not only to tidy up the house in the spring, but also to look at the inside.

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